This is the Message Centre for Dirk Gently

Hi Dirk :-).

Post 1


...And welcome to the Guide.
I am one of the Aces, the meet & greet comittee of h2g2. smiley - smiley

We are here to make sure that you feel comfy in here and to help you out with any questions you might have.
You can visit our homepage at There you will find all sorts of useful stuff. Links to interesting pages, coding to enhance your page, and lots of friendly people to talk to.

An extended page on how to create your page and how to add a few extras to it can be found here:

You can find out all about the h2g2-news, gossip and interesting events in the h2g2-Post our very own community news paper. The Post can be found here: .

And of course, there is the New Users Page, a perfect place to meet new people, and to get the hang of h2g2: .
This and much more can also be seen in the h2g2 Quick Reference Guide: .

Also, you can just visit my page, by clicking on my name above, and drop me a line if there's anything you need to know. smiley - winkeye

Hi Dirk :-).

Post 2

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hi there! Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to the community? You can do this at the newcomers welcome forum: There's tea and cake waiting for you, and plenty of folks to make you feel welcome. :-) Dr St J

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