This is the Message Centre for anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

G'day, anne girl!

Post 1

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

G'day and welcome to h2g2, anne girl! An ACE will no doubt pop by soon with all sorts of interesting information, but for the time being I'm just letting you know that everyone here on the guide is a wonderful person.......well, they're not all wonderful, but you'll get that smiley - winkeye. Have fun lurking, jump onto anyone else's page that is in the who's online box, click on reply to talk to me or click on my name to stop by my page and say hi, or visit my Kingdom for instant fame, and generally have wacky fun in the coolest online community known to humanity smiley - tongueout

G'day, anne girl!

Post 2

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Hello to my first contact on h2g2! I am very excited to have joined the community here, and I look forward to many new conversations soon.
Come see the kingdom, you say? When I have a few spare minutes, I assure you I will! Thanks for the welcome, and feel free to come talk to me at any time.

G'day, anne girl!

Post 3

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Always happy to meet a newbie, I know how hard it was to just drop into conversations, and how discouraging not getting a reply can be......not to mention I never again spoke to the first ACE that dropped by, simply because they seemed too nice....smiley - winkeye but I soon got into the flow of things and met some nice people....and hey, I've only been here a couple of months, and already I spend far too much time here....smiley - tongueout

G'day, anne girl!

Post 4

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Should I take it as a bad sign that no ACE has bothered me yet?
I'm hoping not...
Dropping into conversations seems to be my off computer hobby, now to try it on the net... Let's see what happens!

G'day, anne girl!

Post 5

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

No, they can sometimes be a little busy, though there are a couple online at the moment, but they just give a welcome and a list of interesting places to drop by, but like I said, dropping in on conversations is fun...smiley - smiley It's usually a good idea to read at least some of the backlog, though....(click on the second last of the little red led's under current conversation, for the previous twenty posts).
Now I'm starting to sound like an ACE......smiley - tongueout

G'day, anne girl!

Post 6

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

I won't hold it against you. One dropped by a couple minutes ago, actually. Interesting, eh?
Yes, it's always nice to be able to hear most of a conversation before jumping right in... wow, I like that thought, it's going in my journal for today. Thanks!! smiley - winkeye

G'day, anne girl!

Post 7

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

ACE stands for Assistant Community Editor, of those acronyms that doesn't really mean anything....smiley - tell me something about yourself.......

G'day, anne girl!

Post 8

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Something about myself... okay, my middle name is anne. Anything else you'd like to know?

G'day, anne girl!

Post 9

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Anything else....I don't know, what do you like to do, what country are you from,....ah....I don't know......

G'day, anne girl!

Post 10

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Near Chicago, Illinois, USA. Yourself?

G'day, anne girl!

Post 11

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Melbourne, Australia.....

G'day, anne girl!

Post 12

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Well. The internet certainly is a wonderful thing!
I have to admit, that's not what I was expecting... I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but that wasn't it. Wow.
What do I like to do, you asked. Well, I have a thing for learning languages. I took classes in Spanish, French, German, some very basic Irish Gaelic, and I plan to learn Laotian, though a lot of it has been lost in the depths of my gray matter. What do you enjoy, your majesty? smiley - smiley

G'day, anne girl!

Post 13

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Isn't it Queen is a girl from Finland.....smiley - smiley
Languages are actually a bit of a passion of mine, though I actually don't know more than fragments of any languages other than English (despite the fact I took French for 7 years smiley - winkeye). I'm studying Linguistics at university, which is the study languages in general, and I'm quite interested in historical linguistics, particularly dialects of Old English...(west saxon, high Mercian, etc.) It sounds pretty boring but I like it...smiley - smiley

G'day, anne girl!

Post 14

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Boring? Perish the thought! It's much more fun when you know where the words are from and why they're similar in other tongues. People have told me to go into linguistics, but I think I'll just try to tackle another couple of languages. I'm especially interested in Laotian at the moment because it's so radically different from anything I've learned to this point, and I want to see if I can teach my brain to fly. smiley - smiley
What time is it in Australia?

G'day, anne girl!

Post 15

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

That's what I think, not to mention all of the old spellings of words, and things like the original meaning of words like "deer" and "poultry" and such....Laotian is different because it's not an Indo-European language like all of the rest you know, which all come from a single ancestor, ProtoIndo-European......the time is.....1457 Thursday afternoon here, what about there?

G'day, anne girl!

Post 16

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

It was just about 2300, Wednesday night when you posted that. Aren't time zones wonderful? It took me three days to get used to my own time zone again after being in London one summer... It was terrible. The only time distinctions I had were day and night.
What is the weather in Australia now? I'm just curious to see if it's anything like here.

G'day, anne girl!

Post 17

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

I've never been overseas, unfortunately.....far to expensive for a student like me, even though that's when theoretically people always travel, though I've never worked out how it could be done.......the weather over here? I can't give you a complete rundown of the entire country, but here in Melbourne, yesterday was sunny and 28 (celsius, that is smiley - smiley), today is raining and 15........unusual actually, in Melbourne (especially in spring) that's normally the weather up until lunchtime....smiley - winkeye Do you have a beautiful autumn where you are? (or, should I say, Fall...smiley - tongueout)

G'day, anne girl!

Post 18

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Traveling while a student involves saving money for extended amounts of time and not having any regular bills. Some people who are incredibly fortunate get the school to pay for the trip, like a friend of mine who spent a month in Italy through the school she goes to.
So it is spring there! I thought as much. Don't worry, I wasn't referring to the country as a whole, just your area. Autumn (or Fall, both terms work) here is usually nice. It was cold and felt rather wintry last week, but now it feels almost summer again. Chicago weather is strange. Yes, it's very beautiful, with the leaves on the trees brilliant shades of red and orange and deep purple... makes for good postcard-picture weather. smiley - smiley

G'day, anne girl!

Post 19

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

I hate incredibly lucky people like that.....smiley - are you one of those people who love a particular season? Personally. I like Spring here, because I like it to rain but I don't like it to be cold when it does, I like to be able to walk in it....also, spring is thunderstorm season around here....or at least, what passes for thunderstorms...smiley - smiley

G'day, anne girl!

Post 20

anne girl (Lady Anne of Balwyniti)(cs soprano) (Minister of UCAIURLORRR)

Actually, this is my favorite season right now, as well. Funny that it's the opposite of yours... It's usually nicer weather here in the fall, and my birthday is later this month, so I'm kind of biased towards it. smiley - smiley Rain is nice when it's warm and one can journey through it without feeling miserable, but I like lightning and wind better. I was once through a storm where the lightning flashed every ten to twenty seconds, and it was really awe inspiring! You have to like wind to live near Chicago, also known as 'the windy city'.
My ACE -- the one that first said hi and welcome and all that -- is from Sydney. I think it's kind of interesting, the diversity that an international medium such as the internet provides, as I never would have met either one of you if I didn't have the web. smiley - winkeye

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