Journal Entries

Disappointed in myself

Neglect, forlornness, cobwebs and a lack of regular gardening are visible in this journal. I am so dissapointed in myself that I am making a routine housekeeping call. I have nothing to say. At an EGM at Soul Incorporated, when the report that profit is low, output much curtailed and costs are on the rise, we can claim, for Glider, the consolation that there is at least some turnover.

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Latest reply: Nov 17, 2000


Just got the new album - a return to form, I reckon.

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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2000


Just got the new album - a return to form, I reckon.

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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2000

Coincidence: Marvin the Mole

The music to Marvin the Mole (a free Game on Sky TV's Open interactive channel) is the same as the new Persil Ad.

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2000

Coincidence: Marvin the Mole

The music to Marvin the Mole (a free Game on Sky TV's Open interactive channel) is the same as the new Persil Ad.

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2000

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