This is the Message Centre for Vexx

Hi Vexx - welcome to h2g2...

Post 1


Hi there. Welcome to H2G2. I'm welcoming you on behalf of the Guardian Angels - we're a group who offer to help people out as they find their way around this place. You'll also get a welcome from the ACEs, who will be a terrific help to you. The ACEs focus on helping to prepare material for the Guide, so when you want to contribute to the Guide, they can tell you where to find everything you need to know, and help you with any problems you encounter while doing so. We Guardian Angels can help you with how to "live" inside the h2g2 environment - places to visit, people to meet, how to get help for all sorts of things. We'd love to help you. Please take a look at our New Users' Guide, which is at: If you would like a Guardian Angel assigned to look after you, please apply at: (Just click on these addresses to go to them). Alternatively, I'd be happy to assist you myself - just click on my name in this message and leave a message on my home page - I'll get back to you within a day.

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Hi Vexx - welcome to h2g2...

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