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Post 41


That's basically the way that i see it! I am anxiously awaiting his call to tell me whether or not he passed his physical....i haven't heard from him yet though! but i'm gonna let ya know!


Post 42

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Fingers crossed for a nice safe "flat feet" result or something...smiley - smiley


Post 43


he got in! smiley - sadface oh well i guess. he leaves in august. yuck! what to do, what to do!


Post 44

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Dammit! But still, that gives you 10'll have to have worked something else out in that time anyway......


Post 45


yeah...i'm sure that we will...hopefully anyway!


Post 46

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Hello! Long time no speak to...smiley - what's the latest?? How goes things?


Post 47


Well, ok, latest...i see alex every week..i've been at his house the past fridays. matt doesn't know that though. ummmmm....i was talkin to my friend kyle and we were talkin about matt cuz they're good friends. (yes i know it's wrong to come between friends, but matt won't talk to me about i need to ask someone). but anyway, matt is gonna break up with me because i won't have sex with him. he's upset cuz most of his friends are gettin some and he's not. so he's jealous i guess....and just wants to be one of the guys! ha! so if he is goin to break up with me because of that, well, then i don't need him..because i shouldn't have to change my mind about what i have decided (not to have sex, cuz i just don't want to) just to make him happy. that is dumb. and it's wrong if he asks me to do so. especially sense he has known sense we first started goin out that i wouldn't have sex with him. grrrrr! it makes me so mad! i just want to smack him for this. it's not right at all, and it angers me beyond belief! i feel that he has a lack of respect for me now. oh yeah, and he also thinks that i have messed around with other guys (not while w/ him though) more than i have with him. and i haven't, and i told him that. but guys, the believe what they want to!
questions, comments, advice??? i would greatly appreciate it.


Post 48

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Well, presuming Kyle is telling you the truth (and, guys being guys, that's not exactly guaranteed...smiley - winkeye) then as far as I'm concerned, so long, sucker! Don't actually dump him for that unless and until he brings it up, but if he says he wants to break up with you and letting him have sex with you is the only thing that will change his mind? Forget about it, you don't need that, and you're in the happy position of having someone else who does respect you, and wants to be with you for who you are, not what he can get from you. Guys like that will believe whatever makes them feel the best, and be warned, especially if you do break up over it, he won't be happy, and you might hear some pretty ordinary things said about you by him and/or his friends....but people will say all sorts of things for no reason, you just have to have the courage to be at peace with your own decision and live your own life, and anything people say will just melt away...all you have to be is happy with yourself.smiley - smiley


Post 49


This post has been removed.


Post 50

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

A prophet from Ancient Greece? I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not...smiley - winkeye Good to see your Dad was very sensitive and understanding...smiley - winkeye At least it sounds like you got everything sorted out, though whether that means he knows about Alex I'm not sure. Do you *only* see him on Fridays or is that just when you particularly have a standing date type thing but you still "bump into" him accidentally...smiley - smiley


Post 51


well, alex works a lot, and he usually only has thursdays and fridays, if i'm goin up to his house, it's usually on friday. but he is just goin to come out to mine, it's usually thursday or friday for a few hours before matt comes out. and my daddy doesn't know about him still....which is a really good thing..cuz 1. he wouldn't aprove of me cheating on matt and 2. he wouldn't aprove of him being black. my dad told me that he really likes matt. and when i told him what was going on with him he said that he would stay out of it, but if i wanted him in the middle of it he would be right there to do whatever i needed. well, that's very nice of him, and i knew that he would say that. but if anything else happens i can take care of it myself. well, with a little help from my friends who are nice enough to give me advice (people like you!). and the prophet thing was a complement..
but that's all...i'll have to wait till matt callse me tonight to find out what else is going on.


Post 52

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Thank you...smiley - smiley....tonight...hmm, that's tomorrow my time, I think...smiley - winkeye I figured you wouldn't have told your dad *everything* to the extent of telling him about alex, but I have to ask these things smiley - smiley Articles notwithstanding, this is one of the best things about the h2g2 community, the ability to reach out to people you never would know about otherwise, and to get a completely different perspective on the extent that I'm really intrigued as to what matt will do now that he knows that you have suspicions about how he views your relationship.....


Post 53


yeah, it is nice, but i know abosolutely nothing about you!!
well, my friend heather is and has been really good friends with matt for a very long time. So she talked to him....and he said that he never said anything about breaking up with me. But if he is smart he would know by now that anything he tells heather comes back to me, and anything that i tell her goes back to him (i'm very good friends with heather also). but othere than that...that's all that has happened! hehe, well, except for the part where matt's car broke! lol, he has the nastiest car ever! and it finally broke, but it's getting fixed now. hehe.


Post 54

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Well you haven't asked...smiley - winkeye
So now you're getting two completely different unusual...smiley - smiley but as you said, now that he's been tipped off he won't be telling anyone anything in case it gets back to you, so you'll never find out that way what he intends doing....but then, does it really matter? If he does nothing, then everythings just the same, and if he does break up with you...well, dare I say it at least gives the freedom to do what you want, even if you still have to hide from your dad?


Post 55


Well, if matt does break up with me...and finds out that i'm seeing alex....well, he is gonna flip out, and i will get to sit back and laugh, well, excpt for the part where matt will have lots of nasty things to say about me!! but i'm sure that if alex, and his friends (a very tight knit group) found out about that....something would happen to matt..or his car, or something! but i would have some control over what did happen to him if anything. cuz i don't want anyone to hurt him, even if he would get really nasty towards me.
but anyway, you should tell me something about yourself!! smiley - smiley


Post 56

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Sorry, I didn't notice that you were online, I disappeared...smiley - winkeye...but who cares about people saying nasty things about you, guys do that anyway, especially if they feel they've been cheated out of their "natural rights"....and you'll probably be painted as a huge tease....but so does just about every girl who won't just sleep with a guy because he wants to impress his mates....but of course, we could be wrong smiley - biggrin
Hmmm...tell you something about me.....what do you want to know? I can't remember what I've already told you....or *if* I've told you anything at all...smiley - tongueout


Post 57


Well, i don't think that you've told me anything actually!! But you could tell me your age....or where you live, like country, cuz i'm assuming that you dont live in the U.S., but i could be wrong. So just tell me something.. =Þ


Post 58

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Haven't I? Sorry...smiley - smiley Of course there's a link on my page to some basic information...smiley - winkeye...okay, I'm 22, male (as you probably picked up smiley - tongueout) I live in Melbourne, Australia, I go to Monash university where I'm currently studying a double degree in Arts and Engineering...though by the end of the week I will have dropped eng. smiley - smiley Uh....I spend far too much time online, almost exclusively at h2g2 excepting for when I do research.....I'm 6'1....umm....I don't know....smiley - smiley


Post 59


Ok, that's a start!! Arts huh? like drawing?? You'll have to tell me about it! Do you have icq?? ok, that's it, cuz i think i'm gonna be goin to bed! haha, later!


Post 60

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Not visual arts, like humanities....I'm doing a linguistics major, which is the study of language in general....particularly the history of English but also (thanks to the influence of my h2g2 Queen smiley - smiley) Finnish now....I don't have icq, but I have msn [email protected] smiley - smiley......Good night...smiley - biggrin

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