This is the Message Centre for BIGstan

Back - finally.

Post 1



I'm back, for now.

I have determined that flashing your Bios with a corrupt file is a Bad Thing(c). After replacing my motherboard, my CPU, and upgrading my RAM (so I used this as a cheap excuse to upgrade my system) I am now running a system that god would be proud of. I am now dealing with endless "flashing" jokes from my roomates...but i will let them live. For now.

I also managed to getmyself a decent job with a Fortune 50 company. I am now a corporate slave, dressing in "Business Casual" to work from 10am to 7pm every weekday. I take calls from onsite computer techs and manipulate work orders to order parts, close/open workorders... generally a vital link in the client-megacorporation chain.

You might have noticed that I have refrained from mentioning the company's name. This is on purpose, in case i want to flame them later. I will leave that option open.

Anyway, I now have most of the software back on my computer that I lost - some of it "fell of the back of a truck". Gad, i love friends in the IT industry.

Ah, well...Life's troubles and tribulations continue on. And I will treat them as i did with my computer - ranting, raving, and generally making a huge noise.

Then I shall upgrade to the latest version of Life, and continue.

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Back - finally.

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