Journal Entries

How it´s like to be father of a nearly seven months old son

I´d like to tell you how it´s like to be father of a nearly seven months old son. He´s called Yannik, which is a breton version of "John". We´re not from France, but we like that name. In fact we live in Germany.
Yannik was born 13th May 2000, a saturday. The moment he was born appeared strange to me; it was a bit unreal and I felt like wachting the whole scene on television. Later in the afternoon I kept Yannik in my arms and then I realised how real my little boy was! So then I just couldn´t help crying, because that was the deepest feeling I had ever experienced.
Now, nearly seven months later, I have great difficulties to imagine my life without him. What did we do the whole day? Don´t think that it´s only fun with Yannik. He laughs, and plays and of course he´s the sweetest baby in the universe. But if´s he´s tired (and that happens three times a day) or hungry (which happens a few times more) he´ll cry and show in many ways how unsatisfied he is at that moment. Believe me, that can ruin your nerves!
But, on the other hand, after a long day at work I look forward to any sound he makes, because this is my son! And if I arrive at home there´ll be that little boy who smiles immediatly when he recognises me. In that moment you know why you live!
There´s something else: Even changing the nappies can be a wonderful moment. Not for the nose, of course, but for the heart. I can play with Yannik, I can laugh with him, and he shows me that he is happy. This is medicine for my soul!

I know there´ll be difficult times with my son, I work with families who have great trouble with their children. But all those coming problems can´t delete the memories I have made since a few months.

by Monty Holgi

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Monty Holgi

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