This is the Message Centre for Sir Enix The Confuser

Hello Sir Enix the Confuser!

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello and welcome to H2G2. smiley - fish
Well you certainly have me all confused!smiley - winkeye
Can I call upon your services if I need to confuse someone?smiley - bigeyes Please?smiley - winkeye
We all have a great time here! smiley - bigeyes
You sound like just the kind of person we need in the Guide...
As you go round meeting people they will get to know you & what you are into...
Another good way to find like-minded people is to write a Guide Entry, then submit it to the Guide, and other Researchers will read it & comment on it. A great way to make new friends!
Well, I came here to greet you, so here's the set greeting:-
I am an Archangel, a fellow Researcher who has volunteered to help and guide new Researchers if they need it.
Thank you for joining our online community and I am sure you are going to have a great time here.
Have fun joining in the forums, or create your own!
Please feel free to search for any subjects which interest you, and if you can't find any Guide Entries on something you know a lot about, please write one!
Some interesting links for you:
The Guardian Angel's New Users Page:
Colonel Seller's Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to h2g2 Clubs:
Quick Reference Guide:
The Guardian Angel's page: {where you can ask for your own personal Guardian Angel}.
If you need help setting up your page:
Have fun hitchhiking around! smiley - fish
Oh, and please post your birthday at:
How to make Smileys:
: then - then ) for smiley - smiley
; then - then ) for smiley - winkeye
8 then - then ) for smiley - bigeyes
: then - then P for smiley - tongueout
: then - then ( for smiley - sadface
> then <> forsmiley - fish
Hope to see you around the Guide! smiley - fish

Hello Sir Enix the Confuser!

Post 2

Sir Enix The Confuser

Thanks for the smashingly excellent welcome. Would have never figured out that last smily though - is this the only place on the net that uses it? Never seen it anywhere else before.... I'm still actually running round in circles with my tails between my legs trying to figure out the amazingly simple complex that is this site. I like it... I've even found out how many furlongs are in a mile... Even the guy who set the question for me didn't expect an answer (a one Dr Stretch). I think he may be joining us soon smiley - smiley Anyway, the bananas are calling - see ya...

Hello Sir Enix the Confuser!

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hastily scrolling back to look at the *last* smiley*
aha! the little fish!smiley - tongueout
Well, I'll let you into a little secret... We are getting some ~new~ smileys, any time soon!
I know how many furlongs are in a mile too!
I was taught that at school...pre kilos/
Glad you're having fun here, let me know if you have any problems/worries/silly questions, etc. I'll do my best to help.smiley - smiley

Hello Sir Enix the Confuser!

Post 4

Sir Enix The Confuser

God - all we were taought was how small a pico was and how they wipe their rear in ancient China...

Hello Sir Enix the Confuser!

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I thought he'd retired?
Oh well, never mind.
People see Elvis all the time, don't they?
It'll be Princess Diana next, mark my words.
You wouldn't believe the things I have learned since I found this website!
I can do Guide ML now...and I am learning fish-language. What? You don't believe me? OK, here goes!smiley - tongueout
smiley - fish..oooo.oOo..oOO....oo.OOO..oOOo.osmiley - doctor
..oo.OOO.OOO..ooOoosmiley - winkeye
.oOo...oO.Oo..oOO.OOo.smiley - bigeyes
Good, eh?smiley - winkeye

Hello Sir Enix the Confuser!

Post 6

Sir Enix The Confuser

God hasn't retired - he's just gone on holiday. Apparently it's somewhere warm with the intention of relaxing a bit after a very stressful period with That Lot Down There. Apparently we shouldn't have figured out the pizza so soon or something... And your Fish is great! I wish I could speak fish so fluently. Unfortunately every time I try and speak to an actual fish they tell me to F off. That's the only 2 words I know really well...

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