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Still hanging in there?

Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader


Just wanted to drop by and say hello. It's been a few days since I heard from you last. If you prefer, feel free to send an email.

Hope all is as well as it can be. smiley - smiley

Still hanging in there?

Post 2


Hi PC smiley - biggrin

Well, I'm just back from Sydney. That's why I've been silent of late. Hope things are ok your end. From the news it sounds like the northern hemisphere is going into a very early winter!! It's supposed to be the end of spring here, and it's smiley - brr and raining (not that we should complain about that, but it's just darned WET).

Sydney was great. I stayed with my friend who lives in one of the nice harbourside suburbs - in a high rise (very swish highrise, with big rooms, nice balcony, tennis court, swimming pool etc. in the grounds). So we 'did' Sydney - the sights, ferries on the harbour (the harbour ferries are probably the best public transport system EVER), the beaches, bushwalks (it's really surprising how much natural bushland is still there, considering), a bit of shopping therapy, the galleries and museums, eating etc. etc.

I haven't been there for years. The CBD has even more towers of glass, people rushing everywhere, pigeons, freeways etc. just like any big city anywhere. But it does have the harbour, which makes it one of the most spectacular cities anywhere in the world.

We also did Thanksgiving. My friend is originally from the States, she has dual citizenship as she was married to an Aussie for about 20 years. She's one of those 'trans Pacific' types, who seems to live in both places (her family has a cute little house for her in Portland). Some of her friends are similar, married to Aussies or working here. So it was a very mulitcultural celebration, with a smattering of Americans, South Africans, Pommies and Australians (and one German). I provided the biscuits for after dinner (it was the most practical thing to carry from here, I thought). I made up a recipe I found on this site, actually. They are quite simple to make but look (and taste) very good.

My friend is just getting over breast cancer, and went with surgery and natural therapies - she's looking the picture of health, actually. One of her friends, who was at the party, is going the conventional way (surgery, chemo, radiotherapy etc.) and not doing well at all. I know it's a lottery, but it has given me some food for thought. She was very brave going that way, but it really looks as though it's paid off. Go Girl smiley - hug

Anyway, it's all back to normal around here. Mum's home (she said the food was awful, but she's looking really well and made some nice friends while she was in respite ... even a beau who told her she looked "no more than 75"). P. laughed himself silly at that and said I'd better look out as I might have a sister in 9 months ... he believes in miracles I think.

Well, that's all from me here. I'm going to cook dinner. Just catching up on my squillion and one e-mails!!! See ya later. smiley - hug

St. F. smiley - angel

Still hanging in there?

Post 3

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hey there! Glad to hear you're OK. I remembered you mentioned you were going away for a bit, but I wanted to make sure you'd gotten back safely and all that.

Sounds like a lot of fun, except for your poor mom's respite stay. Glad she's home now. Dunno if I'd take "no more than 75" as much of a compliment, though! smiley - laugh

I'm doing all right. I guess some parts are getting some serious winter- it was 58 degrees F here today, though. smiley - erm

Well, gotta bounce, my shift is ending shortly. Will try to post more later this evening while my Better Half is at band practice...

Still hanging in there?

Post 4



As you can probably tell, I've been off the computer for a while. I guess it's the nice weather and Christmas coming up and all that ... gets a bit hectic at this time of the year.

There are several Christmas 'get togethers' happening over the next 10 days ... and I thought I was antisocial. Must be dreaming.

I've just begun doing the cards. About 30 for the family and now I'm out of cards, sigh. Off to the shops for more. I will send you one, but at this time, it will probably arrive in time for Easter ... it's the thought that counts, remember that smiley - zen

This year I've decided to concentrate on the food I like, so have made a pudding in a cloth, fruit mince pies, and we'll have king prawns and roast duck for Christmas day (I know, I know. I'm a part of Christmas carnage, but what the heck. I'll just have to live with the karma).

At the moment, I'm planning my next respite ... I had no idea how much being a carer takes out of you. It's so 24/7. It just so happens that the next one I have booked in coincides with Womad (the world music festival in Adelaide). Jimmy Cliff is headlining, so I simply MUST go. I have exactly 2 reggae albums, and one is Jimmy Cliff. I'll be able to catch up with all my friends and check out my poor little house that I miss so much.


* Great music

* Delicious food

* Good friends

* A holiday to somewhere you've never been before

* Freedom

* The love of a good man

* Happy puss cat ... perhaps a pot of catgrass for his Xmas dinner ...

Love and best wishes

St. F.

smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - choc

Still hanging in there?

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hey there...

It's been a long while. Hoping it's because it's been summer there and not that you or your mom has been seriously unwell?

If you get back to visit, please drop a line. I may follow up with an email if you don't.

Take care. smiley - hug

PS- your blessing for the year seems to have come to fruition, thus far. Things are going very, very well here. Thank you for the lovely sentiments; they paid off in spades.

Still hanging in there?

Post 6


Well. Long time no see.

It's been a REALLY hot summer: this house was built in the 1970's, before we needed air conditioning here ... I've spent most of the summer as a small melted blob on the floor.

Mum is in respite at the moment ... thank God!!! If you ever find yourself in a similar situation to me, THINK CAREFULLY before jumping in awash with good intentions. It's far more wearing than anyone imagines. Fortunately I have a good network of friends and some family, but the day to day grind of dealing with an elderly person is really difficult. Especially when that person has "behaviours" ( a term I got from a friend of mine who works in aged care). Sounds inimical, doesn't it?? WEll, it is actually. It's really hard to remember that these "behaviours" come from diminishing ability, not some fiendish plan to annoy you (or burn down the house!!!).

I've taken up Buddhist meditation, but need to apply a bit more discipline to my practice. It's nice to give the old brain a rest, but for some reason I feel really 'ill' whenever I finish a meditation. Must ask the woman who runs the sessions. I figured that the Buddhists (a) aren't some weird cult that follows a small green frog (or some character in a turban who only wants all your money).
(b) they've been doing this for about 3,000 years and have probably learned a thing or two about meditation in that time
(c) the Tibetan Buddhist Association is just across the park, so I have no excuses ...

Anyway, off to Sydney again next week. See my friends there and visit the Body Talk practitioner. Amazing stuff, sounds very weird if you try to describe it to anyone - basically a fusion of kinesiology (muscle testing) and EFT tapping. Whatever, it works for me. I come out of a session feeling really clear and with some symptoms permanently removed. The trouble is that she's 4 hours down the freeway. The practitioner I saw here isn't a patch on Melissa in Sydney. Any excuse to spend a few days swanning around the harbour, eating and shopping.

Listening to a brilliant mixed lot of CD's a friend sent me. Currently, the Dead Kennedys 'I fought the law' ... now Lou Reed. Music music music.

Glad to hear that all is well at your end. I've THOUGHT about you a lot, but lacked the inspiration to actually put fingers to keyboard. Have been sending the odd joke/picture/quiz as they arose, so you'd know that I was still here and not gone to the madhouse in the sky. RE. that Dalai Lama one, I seem to have a strange order of priorities in life, my friend 'P' is my twin soul and I'm in love with one of my girl friends. Never knew I was gay, but there you go. I shall also have a great piece of news on Wednesday. We'll see about that.

Well, more good wishes, PC. I'm off to my slumbers (not that I earned them today ... full of good intentions, a day running around doing errands, I however stayed home and read a whodunnit and then tried to create some order in the garden. It's been neglected for far too long.)

See you


St. F. smiley - hug greetings also from the smiley - catsmiley - dogsmiley - blackcatsmiley - dog

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