This is the Message Centre for FG

Greetings FG...

Post 21

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Yep!smiley - tongueout

Greetings FG...

Post 22


Good, keep it up! smiley - winkeye

Greetings FG...

Post 23

Titania (gone for lunch)

Re: rhubarb thingie - this sounds pretty much like how my Mom makes it:

Greetings FG...

Post 24


That looks smiley - drool Ti, but what I need is a very special jam recipe. You're a lucky girl if that's what your mama makes for you!

Greetings FG...

Post 25

Titania (gone for lunch)

Picky, eh? Well, it's your loss!

And how *dare* you post on h2g2 without being visible on my Trillian - eh - eh?

I feel that this 'slipped-in-after-the-user-has-logged-off' kind of comments highly offensive you know - my lawyer will be contacting your lawyer sooner than you think!

Greetings FG...

Post 26


I thought you had a team of lawyers...someone as troublesome as you needs more than one! smiley - nahnah

Greetings FG...

Post 27

Titania (gone for lunch)

You are speaking from personal experience, I assume?

Maybe we should settle this without lawyers - they charge far too much for far too little work anyway - a good old food fight should solve it!smiley - tongueout

smiley - tomatosmiley - flansmiley - snowball

Greetings FG...

Post 28


Now, now--don't eat that yellow smiley - snowball!

smiley - cakesmiley - tomatosmiley - redwinesmiley - cupcake

Greetings FG...

Post 29

Titania (gone for lunch)

Considering how rarely I see you on a messenger these days...

smiley - tomato

smiley - run

Greetings FG...

Post 30


Hey now, let's not get violent and messy. We're actually busy at work, so for once I'm actually *working*! smiley - nahnah

Surprising, no?

Greetings FG...

Post 31

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - nahnah


*just to re-appear somewhere completely else, rather like the Cheshire cat*

smiley - tomato

*disappears again*

*shows up again, this time wearing a smiley - jester costume*

I've been missing the inquisitive, nosy and teasing FG - surely you can't mean that I'll have to do it all myself now?smiley - silly

And yes, I'm aware that you're feeling a bit 'under-the-ice' right now (wrong time of the year for me, the 'winter blues' only hit me during winter) but couldn't you at least do *something*? Pretty please?


Oh well - have a smiley - cuddle

Greetings FG...

Post 32


::ducks behind a broken smiley - love and lobs a smiley - tomato at the big smiley - clown::

Greetings FG...

Post 33

Titania (gone for lunch)

Big? Who are you calling big?smiley - grr<--(red-faced because of crushed tomato)

I'm just... well padded, so there!

Greetings FG...

Post 34


It's a good thing, because I hear you're quite the klutz! smiley - nahnah

Greetings FG...

Post 35

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh yeah?

Well, I heard someone describing as, by mistake, taking you for a Zeppelin!

Greetings FG...

Post 36


A Led Zepplin? smiley - silly Well, I'd rather be that than AC/DC! smiley - winkeye

Greetings FG...

Post 37

Titania (gone for lunch)

And you never told us, because you'd thought you'd spare us of all the worries?

Honey, the Salonistas are there for you to unload all the heavy stuff that life, unavoidably, load you with.

>>a long, horrible lingering death>>

Yeah, my father died like that too, from ALS - as did Lil's father - we would have been there for you, the both us, and - most likely - most of the other Salonistas too.

But at the same time, I can understand the need to narrow the 'need-to-know' people down - have a smiley - hug dear because believe me - I at least have a vague idea about just how you might be feeling at the moment...

Greetings FG...

Post 38


Oh, there's other non-Dad stuff I've been dealing with lately that I haven't wanted to talk about. I generally like to keep things light in the Atelier, unless there's a good political or social etiquette argument to be had. smiley - winkeye

I know that everyone wants to share their good times, their bad times, and their hell-on-smiley - earth times. And I think it's important and wonderful that we're all here for each other out on the great big 'ol Internets. What a great place we've found to do just that. smiley - hug

But in the meantime....

smiley - snowballsmiley - tomato

Greetings FG...

Post 39

Titania (gone for lunch)

Here, have a smiley - hug by this smiley - snowballsmiley - snowmansmiley - llabwons

Greetings FG...

Post 40

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yes, of *course* I want the hot cranberry cider punch recipe!

Did I ever share my recipe of home made glögg?

smiley - stiffdrink

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