This is the Message Centre for trips or Zaphod

welcome to h2g2

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello trips or Zaphod! and welcome to our online community.smiley - fish
I am still a little shaky from watching your homepage shake like that!!! You must be a very clever Researcher to do stuff like that!smiley - tongueout

I am an Archangel, a Researcher like yourself who has volunteered to meet and greet new people as they arrive.smiley - bigeyes
We hope you will enjoy your time here! smiley - winkeye
Some links for you: - if you need help with your homepage. Quick Reference Guide Colonel Sellers Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to h2g2 Clubs GA's New Users Page
oh and please post your birthday here: so we can have an excuse to Party!
Don't forget, if you get lost or just feel a little alone, shout for help and someone will answer.
There's always the "Don't Panic" button as a last resort!
I'll look forward to seeing you around the forums, and hopefully reading any Guide Entries you contribute.
Galaxy Babesmiley - smiley
ps, if you want your "smileys" to appear as little faces then:-
: then - then ) for smiley - smiley
; then - then ) for smiley - winkeye
8 then - then ) for smiley - bigeyes
: then - then P for smiley - tongueout
: then - then ( for smiley - sadface
> then <> for a little fish smiley - fish

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