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NEVER say that "the worst problem I have right now is..." followed by some trite domestic concern.

(As a side note, I got my wife the DVD for "Hair" and "The Warriors", a Emeril cookbook and an Adam Ant CD. She loved them. Thank the gods for

Now, however, I sit on the cusp of a doctor's appointment to see if I have potentially contracted Sleep Apnoeia. I have been snoring the past few months (which I DON'T do) and occasionally stopped breating. Plus I've been having some physical problems with exhaustion, dizziness, difficulty with intercourse, and other fun and wonderful things.

The last time I went to a doctor was in England when my wife dislocated her kneecap dancing at the Electric Ballroom (in Camden, London) and we sat in Accident & Emergency for 6 1/2 hours (3am to 9:30am).

Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to it.

- Eddy

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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2001

So far, so good...

Whew. She hasn't figured out how to convert her account yet, so I'm safe for a while. Now I can midlessly blather on about her birthday gift without her seeing. Maybe.

Anyhow, she wants a small party, possibly at a wrestling Pay Per View (what can I say, she was a wrestling fan before me). Since the only one is King of the Ring, which we did for her last year, I'm thinking that's the one. Maybe we'll go to my brother-in-law's house and watch it there. And maybe I'll take her out to dinner for sushi?

Now, for the gift. I have control of the checkbook for a few days... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha....

I'm stumped.

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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2001


Open diary/journal, huh? I wonder who will see this and comment on it?

Probably the one person I DON'T want to see it, but that's how life goes, neh?

Right now the worst problem I'm facing is deciding what to buy my wife for her birthday.

- Eddy Fate

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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2001

I hate people

Really, I do. I mean serious loathe the existance of the human race in part, as a whole, or in various groupings.

Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but I have found that the human capacity to take something meant to be enjoyable and stress-relieving and turn it into a social crisis of earth-shattering proportions is unsurpassed, except perhaps for humanity's ability to self-delude and shift blame flawlessly, best represented by organized religion.

For example, in my experience in an unnammed Live Action Role Playing Game organization, I have seen friendships lasting for years at a time shattered in minues over the chance to advance his or her own personal fictional character over another. A game has become more important than life itself.

I would like to attribute this illness to merely the fantasy game industry, but having heard about the football riots in England and seen some of the lengths that sports fans in America go to, I have to assume that humanity as a whole is completely incapable of simply shutting the [censored] up and having a good time, unless some form of outside drug or liquid is used.

- Eddy Fate

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2000

First time here

Wow, who knew that the Guide would exist one day on the Web? Now we have to get my Palm Pilot to access the Guide, and it's all good...

I'm Eddy Webb, aka Eddy Fate, and I'm brand new to h2g2, if not to the Guide in general. I'm still setting up, but I'll be spending a lot of time exploring and commenting on anything my heart desires, or perhaps my spleen.


- Eddy

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 2000

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Eddy Fate

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