This is the Message Centre for Eddy Fate

Hey Eddy....

Post 1


...hee smiley - smiley I feel like Caid Foster smiley - smiley Hmmmm, sorry I am just popping by to say hello and welcome you to h2g2, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I am an Assistant Communtiy Editor, just offering my help, if you need any, to get you settled in smiley - smiley If you do have any problems with, or questions about the site, then click 'reply' below and fire away smiley - smiley I shall do what I can to make your entrnace to h2g2 as smooth as possible smiley - smiley Well, until later...
BCNU - Crescent

Hey Eddy....

Post 2

Eddy Fate

Hi Crescent! As you can probably tell from my journal entries, I joined h2g2 just as my life took a rocky turn, but I plan to be more pithy and witty in the coming weeks! smiley - winkeye

The main question I have at the moment is that I'm a little confused on how a Guide entry becomes an Edited Guide Entry. I've heard that there's some kind of "voting procedure" - what's up with that?

- Eddy Fate

Hey Eddy....

Post 3


Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, but the weekend and all smiley - smiley OK a Guide Entry now has to go through Peer Review to become an Edited Guide Entry. What happens is that you go to the Peer Review page, make a new conversation with the Axxxxxx number of your Entry, and the title in the subject. Then put a link to the page in the body, and why you reckon it should be become Edited. Anybody passing by then goes and has a wee look, if they want, and comments on it. If the comments are good, or have good suggestions, and you update the Entry, eventually a Scout will come along. The Scout sees that it is a cracker of an Entry and puts it forward to TPTB. TPTB then say yay or nay, and it is passed to the SubEds, or rejected smiley - smiley I hope this gives some idea of what happens smiley - smiley If it is too vague or rambley, just yell, and I will try and clear it up smiley - smiley Well, until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Hey Eddy....

Post 4

Eddy Fate

WOW! That's an involved process, but considering the quality of the Edited Entries, I can see why! Thank you for clearing that up, Crescent, and I hope you had a good weekend!

- Eddy Fate

Hey Eddy....

Post 5


It was pretty good smiley - smiley and honest, it is not as complicated as all that smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

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