This is the Message Centre for Hex_101

Hello Hex_101...

Post 1


Hello there Hex_101, and how are you today?

My name is GreyDesk (GD for short) and I am one of this site's Assistant Community Editors, or ACEs. It's part of my role to come along and personally welcome you to the place that is h2g2. I'm here to help if you've got any questions about what the site has to offer, how to move around within the site. And most importantly, how to contribute to the site.

The focus of h2g2 is our Edited Guide. This is an on-going project to collect the unique knowledge of our researchers about 'Life, the Universe and Everything'. We would be really pleased if you could contribute something towards this. If you want to get involved, then please make sure that you read the Writing-Guidelines before submitting anything to PeerReview

If that's not to your taste right now, then there are plenty of other places on the site for you to explore. Heck, there's a whole community out there chatting away. A good place to start is at <./>Askh2g2</.> where conversations about all manner of topics are taking place right now. There is also a pretty long list of clubs and societies that researchers have set up. You can see it in all its glory here -> A660340.

That link brings me quite nicely to our weekly newspaper, <./>ThePost</.>. Which has lots of great articles, features, fiction and cartoons fresh out for your enjoyment every Thursday.

As if all that wasn't enough to get you started, there is more here at the "Hints & Links for New Researchers" page - A719840 - which was written by one of my fine ACE colleagues, Feisor.

Now, if you've any questions, just hit the 'reply' button at the bottom of this message and you'll be able to send a message straight to me.

All the best, and see you around smiley - ok


Hello Hex_101...

Post 2


How do u change the look of what people see u(like when u add freinds u can seee their space all about them)?smiley - ermsmiley - erm

Hello Hex_101...

Post 3


Hello again smiley - smiley

What you're wanting to do is to edit your 'Personal Space'. There is a help page about what this space is for and what it can do for you here --> <./>DontPanic-Space</.>

To actually kick off the process of editing it, you'll find a button somewhere along the right hand side of it with the words 'Edit Page'. Click that and you'll get a new page with a two boxes: one to name your page (or 'entry' in the local vernacular) and the other to put some content in there.

Hello Hex_101...

Post 4


Thanx will do soonsmiley - biggrinsmiley - smileysmiley - biggrin

Hello Hex_101...

Post 5


On all the posts I have put up instead of my message there is another message saying that i'm being 'moderated' why?

(this probably wont even work either)smiley - wahsmiley - wah


Post 6


Soz about that i'v only just read about the pre-moderation and today is the 23rd soz when this comes upsmiley - biggrin


Post 7


I wonder what posts 5 & 6 say smiley - huh

I guess I'll find out when they unmoderate and pass all of the backlog tomorrow smiley - smiley

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