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My Halloween Costume-Answer
Posted Oct 31, 2000
partly cloudy with a chance of showers...
i think i have too much time on my hands.
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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2000
Carpe Diem
Posted Oct 27, 2000
Recently I was at the grocery store after a rain storm. To the east was a double banded rainbow. I had my camera in the car (as I susally do, just in case) and took a few photos (none of which turned out exceptionally well).
Afterwards, I went into the store. After 5 minutes, I was back in the parking lot. I looked to the east again. There was no rainbow, nor was there any residual color in the sky.
I just got those pictures back. When I look at them, I am solemnly reminded of how every moment matters.
(sigh, a-la Al Gore)
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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2000
Posted Oct 23, 2000
Most tree species have a neat-o keen accompanying story. The horsechestnut is one of those trees. They have a fruit known commonly as a "buckeye". Why? In the early days of taxidermy, the nuts were painted with "pupils" and placed in the deer carcasses' heads. Hence, the "buck eye". Fascinating, isn't it? Happy hunting, if applicable.
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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2000
Quitting Smoking
Posted Sep 30, 2000
Understand that quitting on New Year's Eve is a test in futility. An evening of drunken debauchery does not easily lend itself to any incentive to quit smoking. Pick another day but the first of a month is a good one. That way you can keep track of your progress. I quit on February 1, 1998 and haven't smoked since. I smoked for 13 years.
Know that certain things will happen and don't use these things to hinder your goal of quitting. You will probably be irritable and unreasonable at times. You will probably get the shakes, the jitters and a rapid heart rate as your body rids itself of the toxins. You will probably gain weight (I gained about 50 pounds and took it off the next year).
Convince yourself that you are not a smoker and that you hate it and think it's a filthy stupid habit. This may be a bit awkward especially since just the day before you did not think this way. Over time it will be a part of you and easily believed.
Use a calendar. Write, on the day you quit, a "Q" or something that you can put on the calendar for every day that you don't have a smoke. After a while you will have successfully convinced yourself that you are not a smoker.
Remember, you can't be a "part-time" smoker. You either smoke or you don't. In the beginning, it may not be wise to be in sitatuions that would tempt you to smoke (like a bar or a party). If you must, keep away from such events until the temptation to smoke dissipates.
I still crave cigarettes every now and then and you probably will too. We liked smoking that's why we did it. But the benefits of quitting far outweigh the benefits of smoking.
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Latest reply: Sep 30, 2000
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