This is the Message Centre for meaigs

welcome to h2g2...

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello meagis! and welcome to H2G2.smiley - fish
You sound like just the kind of person we need in the Guide...smiley - smiley
As you go round meeting people they will get to know you & what you are into...smiley - fish
Another good way to find like-minded people is to write a Guide Entry, then submit it to the Guide, and other Researchers will read it & comment on it. A great way to make new friends! smiley - bigeyes
Well, I came here to greet you, so here's the set greeting smiley - winkeye
I am an Archangel, a fellow Researcher who has volunteered to help and guide new Researchers if they need it.
Thank you for joining our online community and I am sure you are going to have a great time here. smiley - bigeyes
Have fun joining in the forums, or create your own! smiley - winkeye
Please feel free to search for any subjects which interest you, and if you can't find any Guide Entries on something you know a lot about, please write one!smiley - tongueout
Some interesting links for you:
The Guardian Angel's New Users Page:
Colonel Seller's Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to h2g2 Clubs:
Quick Reference Guide:
The Guardian Angel's page: {where you can ask for your own personal Guardian Angel}.
If you need help setting up your page:
Have fun hitchhiking around! smiley - fish
Oh, and please post your birthday at:
How to make Smileys:
: then - then ) for smiley - smiley
; then - then ) for smiley - winkeye
8 then - then ) for smiley - bigeyes
: then - then P for smiley - tongueout
: then - then ( for smiley - sadface
> then <> for smiley - fish
Hope to see you around the Guide!smiley - smiley

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