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'Wrong with Americans' conversation
Researcher Eagle 1 Started conversation Jun 26, 2003
I've been working and I noticed when I came back on that no one had replied to my... well, the rant that I went on in my last post on the "What's Wrong with Americans" thread. I was going to ask in the thread itself, but I began to think someone else should keep it going since I only pop in, say a few words and pop out again most of the time (come to think of it, I do that a lot on h2g2 in general as well...)
At any rate, do you think I sounded too aggressive or angry or what have you? Usually I'm a bit better at keeping my emotions in check, but I just kind of blew up about it. I don't always agree with you, but you seem like a smart guy and I think you have interesting things to say. So I await your analysis.
'Wrong with Americans' conversation
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jun 26, 2003
Working as i do from top to bottom of my page, I replied to the thread irtself before this. I hope what I said makes sense. I hope it doesn't patronise or sound like some clown from over the water trying to be clever.
I do not think that anything you said was out of line. Whilst i hope I never have to display it, I hope that were I placed in a similar situation, I could respond to the atrocity commited against my people with the seeming sanity and sesnse that you have in that thread.
I despair of the counting game of which atrocity is 'worse'. It was Stalin who sated, in a typical realpolitik way, that one death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic. How right he was...
On a closing note, I *never* expect to see a truer picture of the best that humanity has to offer than I did when I saw the shots of the NYFD personnel going up those stairs. After all the flag waving, the farce, the revenge (if that is what it is), I stil cling to those pictures as proof that we, as a species, are not a waste of space.
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'Wrong with Americans' conversation
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