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hi matey :o)

Post 1


hello m8 smiley - smiley im phil im 36 liverpool and pleased to meet you
i was just gonna ask you did you say sparks is on dvd and wots it
called m8? ive been after sparks for a long time and hmv in liverpool said they never brought
a video out so thats wot got me guessing when you said its available on dvd anyway i hope you dont mind me droping in on you like this but i think you could be a good help to me thanks
phil :o)

hi matey :o)

Post 2

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Ah, i think it is only available through their web-site, which is linked to on my U-Space, I think.

It's concert footage of their comeback Brish concert from five years or so ago - I was lucky enough to be there. They do it in PAL format, I'm sure...

smiley - shark

hi matey :o)

Post 3


hello m8 smiley - smiley thanks for that
but i will keep trying to see if i can get hold of it i bought the Queen dvd last week and its brilliant it was live at wembley cost me £15.99 but well worth the money im also after kraftwerk on
dvd as that come out m8? i believe there making a come back so that should be great anyway thanks for your help m8 and take care phil :o)

hi matey :o)

Post 4

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Kraftwerk? Your having a smiley - laugh...

Unless they videoed either the Manchester G-Mex show or their last date in Detroit (2001), as far as i am aware, their is no extant footage of Kraftwerk live of sufficient quality.

Of course, I live to be proved wrong, but given the present litigious mood of various members and ex-members of the band, it seems unlikely that any Kraftwerk product (except a new album, and it's more likely we'll get to Mars than see one of those) will see the light of day for some considerable time.

smiley - shark

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