This is the Message Centre for Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

hi and thanks . . .

Post 21


What? John Hammond doing Tom Waits? - and produced by Tom?

Since I am older than raindog and have loved Tom Waits since I was 17 years old, I can safely say that *he* shares my enthusiasm for Tom and not the other way around smiley - winkeye

Oh yes, please please please. Send me music! (will have to work out a way to cover your costs . . . need any Spanish olive oil?)


hi and thanks . . .

Post 22

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

He's been doing Tom for years - started with 'No one can forgive but my baby' in the manner of Son House. Apparently Mrs Hammond and Mrs waits met somewhere and hatched the plot.

Costs are not a problem, trust me. I cqan't say i do have any use for olive oil, but I may know people who do...smiley - smiley

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 23


Atchly, olive oil in bottles is rather expensive and difficult to post - how about just olives? Or olive leaves? Olive pits? Bits of leaves? Olive paste? Well, never mind, we'll sort it out.


smiley - smiley

hi and thanks . . .

Post 24

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Oh yes. In my present zen like state of mind, I know this to be true.

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 25


Well, you seem to be online almost always - do you also hootoo from work?

Still in a zen state of mind?


hi and thanks . . .

Post 26

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I do, though that makes me a very naughty boy and I will have to stop soon.

Yeah, pretty much, I have to say.

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 27


Why will you have to stop?

I am normally in a very Shawn state of mind (that is my real name, and please do not start going - baaaah Shawn the Sheep). I think I don't do particularly well in what is normally called the 'real world' so instead have decided to attempt to live my own life on my own terms as much as possible. Not doing too badly with that, though someone of my age probably still shouldn't be stressed about how to pay the rent. ho hum. Got other good things happening though. And probably the things that are most important - at least to me.


yes, I also know that my name is a boy's name. oh well.

hi and thanks . . .

Post 28

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

It's only a matter of time before the IT boys work out that everybosy in the place is abusing the net access like crazy. Clampdown will follow.

smiley - erm Is it a boys name? Unusual spelling for a girl, yes, but that doesn'y mae it a boys name.

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 29


where do you work? If I had a typical job with a computer and internet access available I'm sure I would abuse that priviledge as much as possible.

Yes, definitely a boy's name. Also the name of the sheep in the last Wallace & Grommit film.


(azahar, pronounced 'athaar' is the name of a flower - in Spanish. Shawn is Irish and masculine!)

hi and thanks . . .

Post 30

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I work for the Government as a civil servant. For more details see my U-Space. Not very exiing. smiley - smiley

Sean can be female though, as in the actress Sean Young, so it's only a spelling difference.

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 31


Normally for a girl it is Shawna. Anyhow, not a terribly interesting point of discussion perhaps.

What is your real name?


hi and thanks . . .

Post 32

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Steve. Sorry, I could have said that before. smiley - laugh. Witty and clever nicknames are all very well but they can be a little distracting...

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 33


Normally I somehow feel more comfortable using people's nicknames here on the threads, it's just nice also knowing the real name.

So when are you planning to get that CD burner??? smiley - smiley


hi and thanks . . .

Post 34

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Well, I'd like to saytomorrow. Ideally it was supposed to have been fitted lastweek, but my flatmate (handler of pc's and tamer of suppliers) is a little backed up atm due to small son visiting for a fortnight and other distractions of a like nature.

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 35


is it an internal or external burner?

hi and thanks . . .

Post 36

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

It will be internal when it's fitted. I'm not even sure if it's in the house atm...

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 37


Oh, that's really easy. You just open the box and slot the card into the appropriate slot. Because until recently I had a total dinosaur of a sh*t box of a computer, I was always having to take it apart and do this and that to it. So, lost my fear of doing that sort of thing. Still have no idea how computers actually work (or even television, for that matter) but taking apart the physical bits makes sense to me.

You have a flatmate? I spent the past 9 years having a never ending stream of every changing flatmates until I moved next door last year. And then my landlord - bless him - let me keep on the old flat and sublet the three rooms there in order to 'subsidize' my rent in the new place - so I can finally live alone!!! Well, alone with three cats. But I must say I LOVE having an entire flat to myself now. It's so great to be at home and not have to worry about being polite or considerate about 'the other person' all of time. Also, since it's now about 40ยบ here, don't have to worry about dressing properly.

hi and thanks . . .

Post 38

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

It's a long and tedious story about myself, the flatmate, the move that never happened. I won't botre you with it. But I am still looking to move in the near future, albeit into something...less fulfilling than was originally envisaged at Christmas.

I probably coyuld fit the burner myself but as the PC is in huge bits all over the flat (or so it seems), I'll let him deal with iot. It allows him to feel superior about something...smiley - laugh

smiley - shark

hi and thanks . . .

Post 39


I take it you live in London? I live in Sevilla.

Well, NO RUSH on getting the burner in (says she as she eagerly awaits new/old music). But really, I feel I cannot just let you send me CD's without also sending you something. Well, will think of something.


hi and thanks . . .

Post 40

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I live 30 mins by train outside London. Close enough for the benefits. far enough not to notice the drawbacks.

smiley - shark

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