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Rocking Rodents!

Post 1


I am off to see the Hamsters on Saturday.

Are they any good?

Rocking Rodents!

Post 2

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Oh yes, one of the finest blues rock bands in the country today, without a doubt. Make sure you stick around for the instrument swap near the end of the night, it's a scream (not to mention musically bloody difficult).

If you get the chance to go and say hi to the fellas as well, they are a super-nice bunch of guys. Tell Barry (the tall guitar player), that we want then back at the Hermit...smiley - ok

Where are they playing?

smiley - shark

Rocking Rodents!

Post 3


They were playing the Half Moon at Putney Bridge and you are right. They were very very good.

I have to say I really enjoyed the really bluesy stuff they did, but the other stuff isn't normally the sort of stuff I would go to hear. But they were fantastic! Apparently they play there monthly.

Strangely enough I didn't go up to Barry and say "Hello, you don't know me but some bloke I met via the internet wants to know when you are going to play his local pub again!" smiley - winkeye

Rocking Rodents!

Post 4

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Fair enough.smiley - laugh

I figured it was probably the Half Moon. It's not a venue i've ever been to, but they do appear to play there a lot.

Did Barry produce his miniature guitar?

smiley - shark

Rocking Rodents!

Post 5


It's a great venue - definitely going there again.

No... or not that I could see! smiley - winkeye

Rocking Rodents!

Post 6

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Oh, you'd have known, it's a little party piece he does with a guitar he picked up at some music show. It's about 4 inches long and 'plays' itself, which he thinks is hilarious...Musicians are funny like that.smiley - winkeye

I shall obviously have to keep an eye on their mailing list to see when the nextgig is on in Putney...Though of course, their home town gigs are are a little closer, and I can usually get in for free if Mr watt is doing the sound...

smiley - shark

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