This is the Message Centre for IzzyGoodenough


Post 1

Will Jenkins (Dead) the Guide. I'm an ACE (Assitant Community Editor) and an Angel (The Patron Saint of Tea & Espresso). I have volunteered to help people who are new to the community learn the 'ropes'.

smiley - fishLet's start with places to go.smiley - fish
The Aces ( - The 'official' welcome group, here to answer any questions you might have about how the guide works.
The Angels ( - The 'unofficial' welcome group, will assign you your own guardian Angel to look after you. We have also set-up a new-user page for you (
Reasearcher's Birthdays ( - Leave your birthday in a forum and be added to the list.

smiley - bigeyesYour Spacesmiley - bigeyes
You can leave pretty much anything you want there. At first it'll be easier for you to make a page in Plain Text. As you get more used to the feel of the Guide you'll want to use GuideML which is h2g2's answer to HTML. For more help on using that please visit the GuideML Clinic (

smiley - tongueoutWriting Guide Entriessmiley - tongueout
If you are a budding writer and you feel it's time the Guide included something that's missing why not add a guide entry. For more details look at the Peer-Review page (

smiley - winkeyeForumssmiley - winkeye
A Forum is the place to discuss an entry or a user's space. This is a Forum smiley - winkeye
In a forum you can use the following smileys:
: then - then ) for smiley - smiley
; then - then ) for smiley - winkeye
8 then - then ) for smiley - bigeyes
: then - then P for smiley - tongueout
: then - then ( for smiley - sadface
> then < then > for smiley - fish

smiley - smileyHelp!smiley - smiley
If you get stuck or you want to ask a question just click reply at the bottom of this message. Or click Don't Panic at the very top of the page.

Good Luck!!! smiley - fish

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