This is the Message Centre for IzzyGoodenough

What do you mean, "miss"?

Post 1

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

'ello Izzy, welcome to h2g2! I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors, so if you need any advice on anything h2g2 related, feel free to ask!

If you're looking for somewhere to go, you might want to try the welcome page for newcomers - - or the Aces' homepage - - which has lots of interesting links. Also, if you click on the h2g2 logo in the top left corner, it will take you back to the front page, which gets updated daily with all the latest goodies.

While you're here, it would be great if you could contribute to the guide - try searching for some topics that interest you, and if there are no current entries on those topics, why not write one? If you're interested, have a look at for an idea of what we're looking for.

Have fun!

What do you mean, "miss"?

Post 2


oh, god, you've already been welcomed....... well, Dr E Vibenstein seems to have done the usual spiel, so there's not much point in me doing that, so how about I give you a voucher for my health spa and invite you to a party? my health spa's A410022, and I'll get back to you on the party!

What do you mean, "miss"?

Post 3


oh, good, you've already been welcomed....... well, Dr E Vibenstein seems to have done the usual spiel, so there's not much point in me doing that, so how about I give you a voucher for my health spa and invite you to a party? my health spa's A410022, and I'll get back to you on the party!

What do you mean, "miss"?

Post 4


I just remembered: the party's at F42809?thread=67931
See ya there!

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