This is the Message Centre for Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Hiya from The Rain Girl

Post 1

The Rain Girl, Keeper of Storytelling

Thanks for the congrats! Are you thinking of going to Bristol too? To study what? I can hardly remember my interview there now (they all blur together) but I do remember that the guy seemed to use the personal statement purely as a source of conversation; so for god's sake if you invent anything you put on it prepare to have to talk about it for 5mins!
I think it depends on what course you're going in for as to how deeply they study the statement; for Maths I think they just put in the pile for 'neat polite and predicted grades are up to scratch' whereas if you're doing English or Medicine they may scrutinise every detail.
Still; If I got it right ( and I hadn't written any thing longer than 100 words that wasn't in German at that time) I'm sure you will; just maybe turn down on the old...s; I don't know what conclusions they would draw...!

Hiya from The Rain Girl

Post 2

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Well, I'm applying for Archaeology... and have have been doing three essay subjects so my lying skills are almost impecable (though I say it myself... Given that Arch (and Arch. and Anth.) are rarely applied for by anyone I'm relatively sure that I'm not going to be scrutinised too deeply...


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