This is the Message Centre for Jim, Lord of Fishnets


Post 1


..Fishnets? - Lord of the Fishnets??? Now, does this mean you are employed in the business of catching, say, fish? Or is one likely to conclude correctly that you are involved in the pleasantly peculiar pastime known in the vernacular as "cross-dressing"? (Not that it's any of my bloody business, mind you, but inquiring minds need to know). smiley - winkeye
----------Cheers - IZZY


Post 2

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

You'd be right in the latter assumption, my friend... smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Yes I have been known to do the old TV thing... But only socially... I have not yet been found out to be a crossdresser in private... Damn what a give away...



Post 4


...I guess this means the proverbial "cat" is out of the proverbial "bag", eh? (nudge, nudge)smiley - bigeyes IZ


Post 5

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

So long as you promise to say no more... Now what I mean? Photographs, ay? Photographs?



Post 6

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Oh well... it might make things more interesting...


Post 7


Ah, lads after my own heart. (Just stay out of my closet!) But if it's fishnets rather than hose, I do hope you boys shave your legs first! smiley - winkeye


Post 8


What?? And be the laughing stock of my rugby squad? Never!

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