This is the Message Centre for Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Welcome Jim

Post 1

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

Hello and welcome to h2g2! I am one of the Assistant Community Editors, or ACE, part of the welcoming committee of h2g2 to extend the hand of friendship.
While h2g2 is a great forum for meeting new people, it can be daunting at first, so I'd love to help if I can. If you have any questions, concerns, or are just feeling lonely, hit the "Reply" button. I’d love to help.
In case you are having some trouble getting settled in, here are some links you should visit:
ACEs Homepage, at which has links to interesting pages, coding to enhance your page, and lots of friendly people to talk to.
You can find the Quick Reference Guide, like a Beginner’s Guide to the Guide, here:
Newcomers Welcome can be found at
Or just hit the h2g2 logo in the top left corner, which will take you back to the front page, updated daily with all the latest goodies.
Also, if you want extra help in sprucing up you user page, try
Hope you'll enjoy yourself in here as much as we will smiley - smiley
Have fun!

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