This is the Message Centre for Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Blarrrrrp! [funny trumpet sound]

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hi Jim,

The thing about being pivotal, so I'm told, is that it tends to make one dizzy. I shall look forward to reading about the universe as it is seen from its centre. Welcome aboard.smiley - winkeye


Blarrrrrp! [funny trumpet sound]

Post 2

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Well... Thanks for the welcome... I have already been accosted for my self-centred and opinionated style of writing by Scouts, ACEs and a Sub-Editor... Which is an excellent start...

Nice of you to notice me...


Blarrrrrp! [funny trumpet sound]

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Don't take it to heart Jim; we all get out of bed the wrong side occasionally. And if we all happen to have done it at once... it doesn't necessarily mean we're sleeping together.smiley - winkeye

As for being opinionated... other people's opinions aren't worth writing about; although so many people have yet to catch on to that simple fact, unfortunately. You write well, and if what you write stirs a bit of controversy... well, so much the better.

Drop by for a visit.smiley - smiley


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