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Hi Birthday twin!
Researcher 178815 Started conversation Jun 6, 2001
Hiya, you know you have the same birthday as me, and believe it or not.. Melissa Joan hart, apparrently...
(You know, that child's actress)
Anyway, Just thought i'd say Hi and I'm off back to the Birthday's page to submit my birthday
(18.04.1986) aka
Hi Birthday twin!
Amator Posted Jun 12, 2001
Hi !
You know, I never before met anybody with the same birthday date. Happy moment, today!
As for Melissa - I guess I haven't seen her. Do you think it's a big loss (for me, I mean) ?
Hi Birthday twin!
Researcher 178815 Posted Jun 12, 2001
Count yourself lucky! I Have to put up with it most of the time... my sister watches all of the stuff like that and she's 18! no, years, not months. lol
neway, yeah, me neither! until now... did u catch wot the stars sed 2day? LOL
Oh so how r u then? your day should've been frustrating long dragging and boring... mine was, but then i logged on h2g2!! In your face MyBBC Horoscopes!
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Hi Birthday twin!
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