This is the Message Centre for Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects


Post 1

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Hello Hagi,
Saw you at Foxy.

I think that defining objects - human or non-human can be a tiresome business.

But since you have a large vocabulary, you have a better chance than most smiley - smiley

Be well,


Post 2

Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects

Other thand remain peaceful what do you get up to?


Post 3

Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects

That should be 'other than remaining peaceful, what do you get up to?'


Post 4

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

As you got the first part of your question 'wrong' -
"other than remaining peaceful",
I have been unable to find the right answer to your question smiley - smiley

I do not remain peaceful - "peaceful", alas smiley - smiley is only a wish, a hope - for myself and for the planet.

Part two of your question "what do you get up to?" is also interesting - many things - all different: typing, translating, taking care of my nieces and whatever comes up. I'm very "zen" about life smiley - smiley

Sorry if the answer is a bit "uneven" - but I thought I should reply, since you asked so nicely - and twice smiley - smiley

[now you see why I find naming objects a bit tiresome smiley - smiley]

Be well!

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