Journal Entries

Evening of Thursday, January 26th, 2006

19:45 hours Good Evening

Sheil smiley - diva is watching TV

I smiley - fullmoon am online

Tropical fish smiley - schooloffish are fine 'their light is on '

Current Mood: cheerful smiley - smiley
Current TV: Eastenders

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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2006

Afternoon of Thursday, January 26th, 2006

12:38 hours Good Afternoon

Sheil smiley - diva has gone to the supermarket in Southam

I smiley - fullmoon am online still

Tropical fish smiley - schooloffishare fine still 'their light is on still'

Current Mood: cheerful smiley - smiley
Current Sounds: cuckoo smiley - tit clock ticking / me smiley - fullmoon typing / PC Fan

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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2006

Morning of Thursday, January 26th, 2006

11:08 Good Morning

Sheil smiley - diva is using her laptop and has a mug smiley - coffeeof coffee smiley - coffee

I smiley - fullmoonhave done all E Mailing and MSN Group posts and I have a mug smiley - coffee of tea smiley - tea

The tropical fish smiley - schooloffish are all fine 'their light is on'

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: cuckoo smiley - tit clock ticking / Sheil smiley - diva and I smiley - fullmoon typing / PC Fan

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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2006

Wednesday, 'Evening' January 25th, 2006

18:30 hours Good Evening

Sheil smiley - diva has got to get our take aways

I smiley - fullmoon am online still and about to eat my take away

Tropical smiley - schooloffishfish are fine still 'their light is on still'

Current Mood: chipper smiley - biggrin
Current TV: BBC1

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Latest reply: Jan 25, 2006

Wednesday, Afternoon January 25th, 2006

13:07 Good Afternoon

Sheil smiley - diva is at the post office, bank and supermarket

I smiley - fullmoon am online and fine and dandy

The tropical fish smiley - schooloffish are fine and dandy

Current Mood: cheerful smiley - smiley
Current Sounds: cuckoo smiley - tit clock ticking / me smiley - fullmoon typing / PC Fan

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Latest reply: Jan 25, 2006

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