This is the Message Centre for Clampy

Quick Note From Kat

Post 1

Kat - From H2G2

Heya, I've just been adding you to all the lists on The Language Thing and read what you've written on your Personal Space smiley - yikes

Figured I might as well tell you all this just in case...but currently, with what you've written, I could REALLY easily stalk you. If I had the money and time I could do it just to show you but even I'm not that scary smiley - winkeye

Anyway, you might want to change your screen name to something that isn't your full name. Mine (Kat) is definitely my name but you don't know what my surname is. So you could call yourself Tim The Tiger...or anything in the world you wanted smiley - smiley
Also it's probably not a fab idea to tell us where you go to school, especially at your age *tries to look old and wise*

If you look at my Personal Space there's LOADS of information about me, but you probably couldn't come and find me from it: U234368

See what I'm saying? If you have any questions then I'll be happy to help, and if you want to be able to put exciting pictures and coloured words then Im happy to help with that too smiley - smiley


Quick Note From Kat

Post 2


Hi, Thank for your info. I have changed my personal page. How do I change my name. If I change my name on h2g2 will I have to register to all of the language thing again. Please help I don't now what to do. smiley - wahThank Yousmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Quick Note From Kat

Post 3

Kat - From H2G2

No problems, it's very easy. On the left over there <--- there should be a link called 'My Preferences'. Click on that and then you can change your name.

I'll change your name at The Language Thing too, that's not a worry at all.

smiley - run to have a look at your new page.

Quick Note From Kat

Post 4


I have changed my name to clampy. Thanks.smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Quick Note From Kat

Post 5

Kat - From H2G2

Your Personal Space is much less stalkable now smiley - winkeye

Have you thought about putting some pictures, saying what things you're part of, putting a few links in and the like? There's lots of things you could say about yourself without making it so I can stalk you again smiley - laugh

If you'd like to do that then I can help you with that, or even make the page for you if you tell me what sort of things you want. The code used for writing pages on h2g2 (Guide-ML) can be quite difficult to get a grip on. If you look at people's pages around h2g2 then you can see some of the things you could do smiley - ok

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