This is the Message Centre for Clampy

Hallo Timclamp!

Post 1


Hello Timclamp! As Head of the German Department I�d like to welcome you! You will be listed as learning researcher, is that okay? Do you already speak some German, or are you a beginner? Here are some links that might be helpful for you: The German Department is to be found here: A2718001 The German Speaking Thread: The Teaching Thread: The old game no one likes: The new game: (There are some more threads, but these are the most active ones.) Please give a translation in English for everything you post in German. (That�s due to the house rules.) We (the teachers) correct everything in the Teaching Thread, but we only correct recurring mistakes in the Speaking Thread. (If a learner asks for a correction in the Speaking Thread we provide one of course.) If you have any questions you can ask me, or Kat U234368 (who is the founder of The Language Thing). Looking forward to seeing you around the German Threads! Have a nice day! ratkodl (aka katkodl)

Hallo Timclamp!

Post 2


Thanks for the reply so soon. I am in year 8 at school and have just started learning german I Now the basics like numbers saying hello and Goodbye. I just would like a bit more help with this language. Thank You
tim Clamp

Hallo Timclamp!

Post 3


Do you know this dictionary?
It's very helpful! smiley - smiley

You can ask me or any of the other teachers whenever you get stuck with something.
I created some lectures about the basics of the language some time ago. These are to be found at the (very) beginning of the teaching thread. (Note: ignore all lectures that were given by non-native speakers like Kat - there are mistakes in these lectures.) If you want to practice just post your exercises on the teaching thread, and I (or some other teacher) will correct them for you.

Have a nice evening! smiley - smiley

ratkodl (katkodl) smiley - blackcat

Hallo Timclamp!

Post 4



Kat has added you to the list and now you're an official member of The German Department. smiley - smiley

Have a nice day! smiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - oj

katkodl (ratkodl)

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