This is the Message Centre for Lileylah
My life right now...
Lileylah Started conversation Sep 14, 2000
... is actually pretty pleasant and following the direction I already wanted it to follow when I was 10...
Today I'm 20, almost 21 (congratulations accepted from September 19 on ) ). I work in a web design company in Germany, where I was born and have lived ever since - with one exception: From September 17, 1997, thru June 20, 1998, I stayed in Roseville, CA and went to high school there as an exchange student.
Drives me mad that my English has gotten a little rusty since the time I returned to Germany . Well, if I'm lucky, you'll help me improve my rhetorical skills in this lovely language again?!
I find it a lot of fun to go surfing on the Internet during my working hours.. but - shshsh )... and that way I've already fallen into a lot of Internet communities, but so far, this is one of the most interesting places to meet and exchange knowledge (or what one considers to be knowledge
), at least from what I can tell after having spent an hour or so here
Well, this is it for now.. If any of you want to know whether we Germans still live on trees or if weed is legalized here (sorry, I know you wouldn't, but these are questions some fellow high school students in California threw at me ) -- or any other thing that might be of interest to you about me, my life, my universe and everything, don't bother to ask me right away! I'll be happy to discuss with all of you smart people (I know you're smart - you're Douglas Adams readers!)
Live long and prosper )
interesting discussions
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Sep 28, 2000
Hello Lileylah!
How about relaxing in a german pub after extensive discussions ?
Die deutsche Gemeinde trifft sich ab und zu bei Bolles Berliner Buletten-Bude ( ),
wo man sich derzeit auf Weihnachten vorbereitet
see you there ?
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My life right now...
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