This is the Message Centre for grandbohoo

Hi there...

Post 1

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Hello Grand Bohoo, I'm Granny Weatherwax, one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) around here, we're a bunch of volunteers who flit from page to page welcoming people to the wonderful world of h2g2 so...

WELCOME, pull up a comfy chair and have a smiley - ale or a nice cup of really hot smiley - tea. I've pulled together a page of links that you may find useful in getting to know the site and helping to write the Earth Edition of the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy. You can find it at A614747. I see you've already made a start smiley - ok I like the poem!

After all that, if you have any questions, either click on my name at the top of this posting or hit reply at the bottom & ask away. I'm always ready for a chat as well smiley - smiley Oh and by the way, I'm not an automated welcome, the last time I looked in a mirror, I was a real person smiley - smiley

Hope to catch up with you around the site,

smiley - zoom

Hi there...

Post 2


Thanks for the intro Granny -- that special age 42 -- I always thought they got it wrong and it was 4:20 not 42 -- I'm a decade older than you as still a rocker -- so believe i'm really only 19 -- let say I celebrate my anniverseries of that birthday -- next month it will be the 39th! -- Glad to see your into Rock and I hope to bring some needed updates to the guide about the history and status of Rock -- See you on the fun way!! ps Have a close friend here in Acton from Northern England -- Played in a Band with Noel Redding = after Hendrix died -- I've met a few of the Stones -- Have a daughter Named Layla -- see ya Grand -- Bohoo

Hi there...

Post 3

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

It's always good to see more rockers on site smiley - cheers

By the way, it's forty two and quite a few days smiley - rofl The age gap's not as much as you think, but it's all in the mind anyway.

Going to any good concerts this year? We've got Queen with Paul Rogers on Wednesday, Motley Crue in June and Alice Cooper in November...that's so far smiley - smiley

Hi there...

Post 4


Yes, I keep on truck'n -- take a look at the group Dispatch -- if you get All Points Bulletin -- DVD -- I'm the Wall Guy in the special features on the Dispatch Wall! Been to Heart -- Guster going to Tull, Mark Knofler, Arlo, Dave Mathews and more -- I also do the cultural stuff like -- Kodo drummers, Yo Yo Ma, London Philomonic etc.

Hi there...

Post 5

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Hmm, don't get All Points Bulletin, but I might just smiley - run and do a google on Dispatch smiley - cheers

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