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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Posted May 18, 2005
Halfway through the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson (dead now - killed himself earlier this year (2005)). What a read.
Saw the film a few years ago and this was the first I'd heard about the book and the author.
Johnny Depp plays Hunter (as Raoul Duke) and Benicio Del Torro plays his attorney (?) (Dr Gonzo). Both do absolutely fantastic performances. Johnny Depp is particularly err-mazing.
It's so funny and so dark in equal amounts.
It's about a drug-fuelled "exploration" of the American Dream and how one can go to excess, regret it and then go back again. It's about "Gonzo" journalism ie. getting at the truth even if it means, technically, lieing. Forget Trainspotting. Forget other "drugs-un-guns" movies (there aren't any guns fired in anger in this movie) this is the one.
Every frame of the film and every page of the book are wonderfully bizarre/exciting/interesting. His writing style is similar to the way Stephen King does it (or should that be the other way 'round) though the subject matter is different of course.
Terry Gilliam directed the film which can only be a good thing and you can definitely see his style in it. The lighting of the scenes is wonderful. Each drug taken has it's own "style" of lighting and, occasionally, there's Gilliams trademark "roar" when a door is opened or the boot of a car is lifted.
Watch it, buy the book or buy the book and watch it. Whatever the hell you wanna do. Just don't get the fear! And wear some golf shoes, or you'll never get out of here alive.
And if you can handle the sight of your dead Grandmother crawling up your leg with a knife in her mouth - you know you've gone too far.
Hell - I forgot all about this beer; you want one?
How about some ether?
Never mind
Brilliant book. Brilliant film - excellent performances.
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Latest reply: May 18, 2005
Posted May 12, 2005
Just listening to BBC7 and particularly like the re-runs - Dad's Army, Hancock, I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue etc etc. It's just fab.
All must listen to this - Usually have it on when online and stuff like this needs support so it'll never go away
I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue is just so funny
Here's some stuff -
Lactose - the effects of frostbite
Custard - to swear after stepping in something
Hullabaloo - how to greet a bear
Geranium - the cry of the parachute regiments flower-arranging team
And Jeremy Hardy singing is out-of-this-world
Still haven't got the hang of Mornington Crescent but hey - woteva.
And the innuendos - well - just listen for them.
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Latest reply: May 12, 2005
When I was homeless
Posted May 6, 2005
When I was homeless, there were no bill pressures, no tv licence pressures, no benefits/wages going wrong pressures. Okay twas a bit cold at night but at least I knew what tomorrow was bringing (and I lost weight). So what if I had to do crappy agency work so as I could eat. Least I was outside and only had food to spend money on?!?!?!
One night I got awoken by ikkle fox-cubs nipping at my coat (used it as a blanket) and ruck-sack (pillow) ahhhhh. Scared 'em when I awoke but what the hey. Their Mum would circle me most evenings to keep an eye on me and sit a distance away and wait for me to make a move.
I would be up with the dawn and asleep when the sun was (though I did do a bit of moon-gazing at times). Not always working I still never begged for money.
Main problem was the drunks (bless 'em ) and the addicts (bless 'em
) [and I'm not bein' sarcastic!] would always be a bit to close for my comfort. Well I guess it was (is) worse for them.
Maybe give a thought or two when the next person tries to sell you a Big Issue or ask for money. They're not all gonna spend their money on drugs y'know. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE AND/OR YOUR NEWSPAPERS!!!
Many (probably most if not all) suffer from varying mental health problems and personality disorders. Give 'em a break. And, again, DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. (esp about mental health issues. Listen to the people who KNOW about such things ie NOT YOUR TABLOIDS et al).
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Latest reply: May 6, 2005
Time sorts it...I hope
Posted May 4, 2005
Well, well. Here I am. Convalescing at my Ma un Step-Pa's.
8 weeks I bin 'ere now and they is having a new kitchen put in in two weeks time. Exciting - NOT!
8 weeks ago I gave up fags. 10 weeks ago I gave up cannabis. 6 weeks ago I gave up caffiene. 9 weeks ago I had gastritis. 5 years ago I got depressed. 6 weeks of anti-depressants and am gonna stick to 'em this time!!!! Gotta lose this Avoidant Personality Disorder to!!!!
Walking the dog keeps me sane. Stroking the cat keeps me sane. The fabbo peeps on here keep me sane. H2G2 keeps me sane.
At the risk of sounding like a ranting madman I will!....yeah
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Latest reply: May 4, 2005
A funny or two
Posted Apr 30, 2005
From the great Graham Garden (Is that how you spell his name?)
- "Boutique - a startling kind of hardwood"
From the great Tim Brooke-Taylor (That is how you spell his name).
- "Coffee - someone covered in spit"
May not have attributed correctdiddley but it's still funny-honey
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Latest reply: Apr 30, 2005
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