Journal Entries

Journal Entry

Wow... I've not been on here (h2g2) long, and already I'm addicted! Haven't had much time for doing entries yet, as I'm still finding new discussions to partitipate in all the time.

No progress as yet on the Pokey the Penguin article, but I've written my first guide entry! My dad's (wonderful) recepie for spinach pasta stuff.

MAKES MENTAL NOTE: "Deadlines are important. The one at the end of Nov. is particularly important so don't spend all day on h2g2. You have been warned."

Makes further mental note: "You don't know your boss dosen't read this. You are a productive frog and would *never even consider* surfing the web on work time."

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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2000

Pokey the Penguin

I think I'm going to write a guide entry about pokey the penguin seeing as no-one seems to have done it yet....

I suppose I'd better make some notes.

Ooh, this is so exciting.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2000

Journal Entry Number One

Today, I learned how to make journal entries.

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2000

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Simon the Frog (Ribbit)

Researcher U151817

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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