Journal Entries

Music Stress

It's not just that he didn't give an exact deadline. He didn't put me in a chamber group like everyone else. He said he'd organized something but then told me I should have done it. You see, I'm talking about school again: this time, a certain music teacher who is a bit vague about things. Basically, as part of my GCSE Music, I have to submit one recorded performance of me playing in an ensemble. Now, while the others in my year, who are doing music, (with one exception) all play fancy instruments like the oboe or the viola, I play only the piano. So, it seems I was forgotten while the music department put the pupils into chamber groups to organize this recording, and was left out. But is this their fault? No, it's mine, of course! Anyway, the point is, that last week, on Friday, I was told that the deadline for the recording was wednesday of the next week. Well, luckily, on that day, I had received from my piano teacher (a nice lady, who always seems to be very concerned about the state of disorganisation of the department) an ensemble piece. I had five days to make it perfect. I had received another piece (a little too hard for me, I think) a while back, but I didn't know it was to be recorded so soon. Well, I've done it now. And it didn't go too badly, I suppose. i can't wait for next year though - no more music!

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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2000


I'm fifteeen, and this year, I'm doing my French GCSE, as well as one of my maths papers (I'll do the other nine next year). At the moment though, I am siiting in the computer room of my school, writing a journal entry. Heavily punding its way into my brain is the thought that Ishould be revising. However, this would mean going all the way to my room, getting my books, and doing work. How do they expect me to revise under these conditions?

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Latest reply: May 25, 1999

May Day

May Day. 
A day of sun, daffodils and green.
Ha! For three hours today, abuot twenty 5-12 year old girls dancedround a maypole, singing "In An English Country Garden" at top volume from huge speakers.
Three hours. Sweet at first, but sickening when they finihed, i fear the chilling song has been engraved on my brain.
Help me!

P.S. I am not a cynic.

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Latest reply: May 1, 1999

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