This is the Message Centre for Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

The H2G2 AS discussion group

Post 1

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Hi there fellow AS member. This is just a short announcement about the brand new discussion list.

This is an 'egroup' list that means we can keep in contact with each other better, meaning more varied discussions, and the latest news updates straight to your mailbox. No information is given to me or anyone else and only members can join. Also there is the feature of being able to share files with others as well as use the personal chatroom there.

If you would like to sign on just visit and click 'subscribe'


Send an email to the following address and then I'll sign you on. It’s AS simple as that.

Speak soon,

Yelaib Salohcin

The H2G2 AS discussion group

Post 2

Yeliab {h2g2as}

And the following address is:
[email protected]

Oops smiley - winkeye

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