This is the Message Centre for MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Dutch Meet etc etc

Post 1


Hi there My Brain Hurts (great name btw!)
It would be excellent if you could make the meet! As you may have read, we are now 'doing our stuff' in ALPHEN on the Friday. As an English girl now living in Holland, I can say that getting to Alphen from Amsterdam on the train is very straightforward... so if you think that you can make it, let one of us know and we'll arrange to collect you from the station!
I'm afraid that I am wind and keyboard... but there are some excellent opportunities for string/flute or string/recorder if you happen to have your instrument with you! Just think... we could be the 1st members of the musicians guild to actually play together!
We have had an unexpected withdrawal from one of the English contingents... so if you want to stay over, you would be most welcome to grab the spare bed now available at our place smiley - smiley
Please email me if you have any queries!:
[email protected]

shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Dutch Meet etc etc

Post 2

TowelMaster beat me to it. smiley - winkeye


Dutch Meet etc etc

Post 3


smiley - smiley

Dutch Meet etc etc

Post 4

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

OK, here's for all the people that can't make it to het Kasteel on Friday, and just want to come to Amsterdam. We're meeting up in the Irish pub on het Leidseplein in Amsterdam. The time will be...let's say somewhere between 12.30 and 13.00. If the pub is still closed at that time, we will meet in cafe Reijnders, also on het Leidseplein.
Hope to see you then smiley - smiley

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