This is the Message Centre for MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Musicians Guild Graphic

Post 1

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I have created a graphic you can place on your user page to announce
your membership in the Musicians Guild to the folks at h2g2.

To see the graphic in action, go to my page:

To use the graphic yourself, paste the following code into your page.
Your user page must be in either GuideML or HTML format.


If you are using GuideML format, use the code below.

I am a member of the h2g2 Musicians Guild,
which is a virtual club for musicians, singers, composers, and other
music aficionados at h2g2.


If you are using HTML format, use the following code.

I am a member of the h2g2
Musicians Guild, which is a virtual club for musicians, singers,
composers, and other music aficionados at h2g2.

Musicians Guild Graphic

Post 2

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Hi Fragilis,

thanks a lot! I am honored to carry the Musicians Guild banner on my page. I used the GuideML version you gave me. The logo is pretty cool, my congrats!

Musicians Guild Graphic

Post 3

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Oh, you're very welcome. It looks very snappy indeed on your page. smiley - smiley

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