This is the Message Centre for Ottox
Kat - From H2G2 Started conversation Nov 29, 2004
Heya, I'm launching the new Danish Department for the Language Thing today and I am lead to believe that you are fluent in Danish...if not then someone is going to get a poking. I was wondering if you would be willing to teach in the department, or at least be a part of it and take part in conversations. If you dont have the time or whatever then that's fine and I wont come and set elaborate traps around your feet or anything.
Ottox Posted Nov 30, 2004
I usually believe I'm fluent in Danish too.
I've subscribed to the new page, but I'm only spending very little time online at h2g2 these days, so don't expect much participation from me. Sorry.
However, sunny (who are getting quite good at Danish, but I still think (know) she would like to have a smiley in the 'Learning Researcher' field ) has direct access to my profound knowledge
, so maybe I'll help through her.
(And Hati will probably alert me on IM if questions come up)
Held og lykke! [Good luck!]
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