This is the Message Centre for Ottox

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 1

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Umm...yeah! It's excellent! It's brilliant! Congratulations for hitting three years!! smiley - wow

smiley - cakesmiley - bubbly

I guess that means I'll be hitting three years soon...smiley - erm

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 2


Not with the account you've used here! smiley - winkeye

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 3


smiley - wah

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 4


BTW, there's a thread in my message centre where you rolled some eyes and Titania picked them up. Should they go in the SOREC? smiley - erm

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 5


BTW, there's a thread in my message centre where you rolled some eyes and Titania picked them up. Should they go in the SOREC? smiley - erm

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 6


smiley - grr *has a tanty*

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 7


Oh dear!

*rolls eyes*

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 8

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

smiley - cross

*puts eyes on top of smiley - cake and gives it to Ottox*

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 9


Reminds me of the London Meetup

smiley - winkeye

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 10

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

smiley - yikes

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 11


A1166140smiley - spacesmiley - yikes

Hethappy Bethuyhoistonydaggle!!!!

Post 12

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

smiley - flan!!!

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