This is the Message Centre for Ottox
Ottox Posted Jul 25, 2003
Hehehe.... I thought you had seen my tag, but then I realised that it's not at the page at the moment.
Long time no see! How are things?
E G Mel Posted Jul 31, 2003
I saw it I think, the one that tells you who you are?
Just out of interest why did you me at the bottom of your page?
How's life btw? Working and playing hard I hope.
Ottox Posted Aug 3, 2003
Why shoulddn't I you? You deserve it!
W*rking? Nope! I've enjoyed unemployment for quite some time now.
But.... tomorrow. In less than 11 hours...
I'll suddenly have two jobs.
I hope it won't be too hot in the offices. *melts*
Ottox Posted Sep 2, 2003
Both cataloguing books in libraries. 40% in re-cataloguing at the university library, and 33% in a pedagogic library.
E G Mel Posted Sep 2, 2003
You know exactly the 2 questions I'm going to ask. So much so that I'm suprised you didn't pre-empt me with an answer!
1/ What does pedagogic mean?
2/ 40% + 33% = 73% where's the other 27% spent? h2g2?
Ottox Posted Sep 2, 2003
1. I don't know if pedagogic is the right word to use, but I couldn't find a better way to say "Pädagogische Dokumentationsstelle" in English. A library for teachers with school books and childrens books .
2. Yes.
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