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Lurker badge-type-thing

Post 1

Kirikugi - Muse of Lavalamps

A very quick question...
How do I align the 'Lurker' badge that I've been told you made?

Lurker badge-type-thing

Post 2


Either by putting it into a paragraph, .... (xxx=left, center, or right), or by putting an align parameter into the first table tag, like you've done with the Goo fan club badge (which I also made smiley - winkeye).

I like the first solution best, because it will make some space around the badge.

I hope that was a good enough answer?
smiley - smiley

Lurker badge-type-thing

Post 3

Kirikugi - Muse of Lavalamps

smiley - ok
It worked! Hurrah! Thanks Ottox!

Lurker badge-type-thing

Post 4


smiley - smiley

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