This is the Message Centre for Ottox

No Subject

Post 1

E G Mel

Your button page was moderated, I've been speaking to Peta about it, here's the URL Mel <><

oh and btw..

Post 2

E G Mel

Why do you have your main section in alabaster colours?

Mel smiley - hsif

oh and btw..

Post 3


smiley - yikes Nononono!!!! I don't!

Only the rather permanent "Update soon" frame!
Why? Because it's a copy of that sad message we had back in January. And that one was only in A*******r! (Except for my local copy smiley - bigeyes)

Thanks again for talking to Peta! smiley - hug

oh and btw..

Post 4

E G Mel

That's ok, smiley - hug

My attempt to recreate the old header is coming along take a look!

Mel smiley - hsif

oh and btw..

Post 5

E G Mel

Damn can't even write a URL now!

Mel smiley - hsif

oh and btw..

Post 6


Nice, what can we use it for? smiley - winkeye

oh and btw..

Post 7

E G Mel

I don't know it was just something to do!

I can do fully blank goo as well btw! that looks v swish! smiley - smiley

Mel smiley - hsif

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