This is the Message Centre for Ottox


Post 1


Can u use html code in 'My Space'? I would really like to know if its possible and if there are any settings I would have to change to be able to do so.



Post 2


Hi Emily, glad to see you! smiley - smiley

The best thing is to use GuideML, the Guides own Markup Language. If you know HTML it's not difficult. You can read about it at, and if you have problems you're welcome to ask me for advice.

You *can* use most HTML, but you *must* use closed tags. That means that for every tag, there has to be a tag too and so on. Tags like must be written .
You always have to use doubled brackets in parameters, like
, not .

If you use HTML or GuideML you must change settings to GuideML in the Edit page. Change the radio buttons from plain text to GuideML and remember to click 'Change Settings' before you preview or update the page.

Again - just ask if you have any problems! smiley - smiley


Post 3


Thanku for telling me that. I wanted to know because I am learning about html at school and I've been wanting to try out what I have learned, (I'm doing GNVQ ICT at Intermediate level.)


Post 4


I have *no* idea what GNVQ ICT means! smiley - biggrin
Good luck with your page! smiley - smiley

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