This is the Message Centre for Chrestomanci


Post 1


Welocme Chrestomanci - not that I'm welcoming you in any official capacity: a Scout will come along and do that - I'm just a common or garden Scout smiley - smiley but I noticed your article on pogo sticks and would have liked it anyway even if it wasn't for your most admirable name: what a fine choice! Why didn't I think of that? Damn, damn, damn...


Post 2


D'oh - you can tell that it's been a hard day. What I meant was "an ACE will come along and do that"
Sorry!! smiley - winkeye


Post 3


Thank you, for the warm welcome. smiley - smiley
Have you read Diana Wynne Jones then?


Post 4


For longer than I care to remember: in fact I must have been nearly in the right age group when I started reading them!

Never understood why they have had such a low profile: everyone that I have introduced to them has liked them (in fact I did a talk on them back at Uni...)

I notice the publishers are trying to relaunch on the back of youn Mr Potter which I hope will be good for Diana: she deserves a break smiley - smiley

How about yourself?


Post 5


I've read every single one (I hope). Everyone I know who has read them likes them, too. I don't know why they aren't more popular. A relaunch would be nice - I don't actually own any. I got them all from the library, can't find them in book stores. You'd be surprised at how many Chrestomancis are running around the Net. I know of at least 7 on ICQ alone. Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favorite authors, even though I read them long ago, they are still good.

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