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The Big Joke

Post 1

Spaceman Spiff

Why is it a Joke? Because it's funny. Although some (and by this I most definitely mean a vast majority) may never agree.

The Concept of the Big Joke is based on three imparted (by this I mean stolen, and then twisted horribly) beliefs. (Thank you to literacy, science, and crazy TV Evangelism).

Very Loosely Stated:

a) Life on Earth was probably the result an accident (I'm thinking along the lines of a comet-sized primordeal booger).

b) In the grand scheme of things, I am about as relevant as a light particle. Probably less.

c) I will never really know what happens when I die until I die.

Hey, I'm laughing.

The Big Joke

Post 2

Spaceman Spiff

Hmmm. I write some really wierd things at two oclock in the morning.
Hmmm. I seem to be talking to myself.

The Big Joke

Post 3

Spaceman Spiff

Gosh, I am a terrible self-conversationalist.

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