This is the Message Centre for Pelayo Nastaviek


Post 1

Jimi X

Hello and welcome to h2g2!

I'm leaving you a welcome message here even if you are 'only testing'. smiley - winkeye


Welcome! smiley - magic

As you're no doubt already discovering, h2g2 is a huge site containing loads of unconventional wisdom that Douglas Adams felt would be a great way to build a Guide to the Planet Earth, encompassing Life, the Universe and Everything! We're well on our way, but everyone can contribute.

Contributions can range from participating in forum conversations, adding a brief comment on the end of an entry or adding your very own entry to the Guide.

I've been around for five (!) years now and have added a few entries on various topics that have struck my fancy. But I've also helped others with their entries over in PeerReview.

Feel free to go for a bit of an explore and if you get stuck or have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a shout either here or at my personal space at U53353.

Welcome aboard!

smiley - cheers
- Jimi X

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