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Subbing Dry Rot
Bluebottle Started conversation Jun 19, 2018
A87909268 Dry Rot, or How not to have your House Eaten
I'll be subbing your entry on Dry Rot and hope to get it into the Edited Guide. This means making a few minor changes to make it suitable for the Edited Guide (although your original version remains unaffected). These changes I have made are to put it in the GuideML format and also make minor tweaks to remove the use of 'I'.
Please have a read through and let me know whether or not you approve of the changes I have made.
Subbing Dry Rot
almoner99 Posted Oct 23, 2018
Sincere apologies for the complete lack of reply - I had forgotten about this, and the pages take whole seconds to load when using the office computer.
Edited entry looks great, even a good photo, thank you.
I may even follow this up with a further entry on beetles - just to annoy the really squeamish!
Kind Regards
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Subbing Dry Rot
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