This is the Message Centre for Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

I've got an idea...

Post 1

The Corrupt One (MIA)

Can you help me write an article on "The Ren and Stimpy Show" for my project on animation? You know much more than I do about it, and besides, I can't find the tape! smiley - winkeye How 'bout it?

I've got an idea...

Post 2

Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

Of course I'll help you; I love Ren and Stimpy!smiley - smiley I think there is, or atleast was, a website on it; I'll find out what it is if you want.

I've got an idea...

Post 3

The Corrupt One (MIA)


And there WAS one mentioned in the Fan-O-Rama...maybe I should check it out...

I've got an idea...

Post 4

Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

Okay, I found two websites on Bookshelf. and Long addresses, aren't they? Well, that's all I got.

I've got an idea...

Post 5

The Krylma Leader

*A cloaked person enters. His face, while it looks human, has something disturbing about it. Something about how the eyes move, or other features that it's hard to directly put your fingers on*

Sorry to interrupt, but I've decided to greet two of the people who joined STUMPED while I was away. Glad to have you aboard.

Now, I need someone to perform a mission for me: on h2g2 there is a donut stall, which is managed by Joanna and/or Eomando, depending on which of them is around. I need someone to ask them for a 'special order'.

*Puts a peice of paper with a strange looking recipe on it*

This is the recipe for the S30 donut, a donut which Joanna has sworn never to bake. I need one of you two to go either to the stall or directly to the user page of Joanna or Eomando. Be friendly and cheerful, and don't mention that the donut is the S30. Oh, and make sure they at least make the donut a hundred times the size that this recipe will make it.

Sorry that our first meeting was so buisinesslike. I just needed someone to perform a job, and the two of you seemed like good choices. Now, please continue your discussion, sorry for interupting.

*Turns to leave, but stops*

Do you need the URL for the stall?

I've got an idea...

Post 6

The Corrupt One (MIA)

Ooooh, sounds intriguing. I'll try to find the stall on my own.

smiley - winkeye

I've got an idea...

Post 7

The Krylma Leader

Good. But just so you know, it's located on one of the Beach/Waterworks conversations. Also, watch out for Joanna. She has a Curse she can put on you. And remember, don't announce your allegiance to STUMPED until you've got the donut and are making a getaway. Thanks for your time.smiley - smiley

*The Krylma Leader exits*

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